Simbu Province, New Guinea
Fair Trade Certified. Savor the vibrant flavors of our Papua New Guinea, Keto Tapasi coffee. With its delightful notes of fruit acidity, chamomile, and praline, this coffee provides a unique and refreshing taste that is both invigorating and comforting.
The coffee industry in PNG is notable for its reliance on smallholder farmers, who own 1–2 hectare plots known as “gardens” where they grow coffee alongside other crops. While some estates and plantations exist, these smaller farms are the primary source of production.
The country’s diverse indigenous populations present unique challenges for sourcing coffee, with each group having its own customs and languages. Communication can be challenging, especially in communities with only a few hundred people and limited internet and telephone access.
The Keto Tapasi Progress Association, established in 2008, unites smallholder coffee growers from 18 communities in the Eastern Highlands. Despite cultural and linguistic differences, the 375 members cooperate effectively. The association has been Fair Trade–certified since 2011 and organic-certified since 2014, using premiums to invest in depulpers, warehouse space, and transportation.
Coffee in Papua New Guinea is mainly processed as Washed lots, typically at centralized washing stations due to the small farm sizes. Cherries are depulped and fermented for 24–48 hours before washing and drying on tarpaulins or raised beds.